Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Have you been on Welch Road lately? See the hospital grow....

Photos taken on August 13, 2015

Turning from Welch Rd into LPCH driveway
Set to open in 2017, the expansion will include 149 new patient beds, 6 new surgical suites, 3.5 acres of healing gardens, and more.
To date: 6,150 cubic yards of structural concrete have been poured. There will be 110,000 cubic yards in total, which would fill 500,000 bathtubs.
12 million pounds of reinforcing steel has been installed. There will be 20 mill pounds in total - more than the Eiffel Tower!
36,250 truckloads of soil have been removed, enough to fill 2,700 backyard swimming pools.
(Taken from the Foundation Newsletter; visit stanfordchildrens.org to learn more and watch a live Construction Cam)
Click on photos to enlarge

Thursday, August 13, 2015

"Restaurants with Heart" events in 2015/2016....have you attended yet?

       Gerry N (Books & Bears) and husband......                                      click to enlarge photos
Restaurant with Heart chairperson, Marlene Bollhoffer, with DIVINO's owner

Elizabeth M always brings a group of friends
Marlene greets long-time member, Margaret S

Among the diners: Karen (RwH) and Bob S (PAAwebmaster)
Seen at first-time venue P.F.Chang's, Marlene with Elizabeth M

June S (PAA treasurer) and Ginny W (RwH, below) with husbands & friends at SAKURA

Hostess Marlene B and Carolyn K admiring the 'volcano' at SAKURA

Ginny W and Carol R with friends having lunch at DIVINO'S

Marzette W (membership) and Luisa Pliska (chair Packard Pantry; PAA president 2011-13) at KABUL
Stephanie B (VP PAA) and husband at SULTANA'S

Kay W and husband with Marlene

Karen S (RwH), Bob S (PAAwebmaster) & Roger P at DIVINO'S

Gerri N (Books & Bears), Louise S (Hearts & Hands) with husbands & friends

Carol Roland (Treasurer 2016) with friend

Audrey P with friend 

At our newest 'Restaurant with Heart' event: GALATA BISTRO, Menlo Park,
 PAA President Nancy Larsson with husband, Peter.