Thursday, August 7, 2014

Projects PAA is involved in......there is a volunteer job for you, too!

"American Girl"

Fashion Show and Tea
our yearly event
see: Sarah Beetem, Nancy Larsson

Handcrafted items for the 'HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE'
see: Sharon Brugos

September 16 Meeting, at Lucie Stern CC, Palo Alto, will be a WORK SHOP for the upcoming events.
Please, be there.

TOTE BAGS: see Dallas Manning
COUGH PILLOWS for all hospital departments: Thora's Thimbles, Ellen Smith
"Restaurants with Heart" see: Marlene Bollhoffer, Deborah Potash, Karen Stevens
Seen at the 'IRON GATE': Bob Stevens, Marlene B., Deborah P.

Checking out SAKURA in Redwood City, our September 2014 restaurant

PACKARD PANTRY, see: Luisa Pliska
Collecting food items from Second Harvest Food Bank, then distributing them into bags which will be given to
15 families staying at LPCH or RMcDHouse

    This is what we are "working" for - LPCH@Stanford

The "OWL" project, one given to a child going into surgery/ER, see: Gerry Nelson/Nancy Bronstein

"Taste, Tales and Traditions", our award winning cook book. There are a few copies left. See: Luisa Pliska

"BOOKS AND BEARS", Christmastime gifts to children in hospital, see: Gerry Nelson

Decisions are very difficult; choices are too many!
Toiletry Items are being collected all year long, they are for the "TEEN VAN", staffed by LPCH Dr. Ackerman
Drop-off at Membership Meetings.
Susan and Nancy with props for the 2014 AMERICAN GIRL event in November. Get ready to help them.
It is our biggest fundraiser.
We can not fund the other projects without this one being successful. 

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