Saturday, January 23, 2016

Annual Membership Meeting & Luncheon, January 20, 2016

PAA President, Nancy Larsson, opens the 2016 meeting.
(click on photos to enlarge) 
The meeting, once again, was at the lovely University Club, sponsored by Catherine McGilvray.
Thank you, Catherine!
We welcomed 2 new members: Mellissa Kirtz, '15 and Kathryn Liniger, '15.  Imelda Gomez joined in '14.

VP Stephanie Beach gave an uplifting 'state of the auxiliary' report!

Corresponding Secretary, Mary Anne York. 

Treasurer, June Schiller, reported on well-earned bank balances!..... 

...and was thanked by President Nancy for 3 years of dedicated service.
Parliamentarian Sarah Beetem spoke of Association news.

2016 Board: Marlene Bollhoffer: "Restaurant with Heart"; Dallas Manning: Social; Sarah Beetem: Parliamentarian;
Carol Roland: Treasurer; Nancy Larsson: President; Stephanie Beach 2nd VP; Mary Anne York: Corresponding Sec;
missing: Haydee Marshall: 1rst Vice President; Cathy Murphy: Recording Secretary

Adorable center pieces made by Gerry Nelson; pumpkins were donated by Safeway, RC 

Yes, we'll do it again!!
American Girl Fashion Show and Tea, November 2016
Honoring our past presidents: Carolyn Keeley '01; Sharon Brugos '06-08; Marcie Freeman '79; Karen Sutherland '95-96;
Marzette Woods '74; Ellen Latour '93; Rosamond Martin '90; Catherine McGilvray '94; B.J. Sorensen '71;
Barbara Cole '76; Sarah Beetem '14

Too late for the past presidents' photo: Ruth Wood '92

Shopping for items left over from the Holiday Fair in December....
Louise T and daughter, Fran; Norma C; Carolee P; Marilyn E; Ann B; Adrienne B; Ginny P;

Bonnie M;B.J. S; Catherine McG; Kathy S; Carolyn L; Nancy S; Barbara C; Ellen S; Karen S;

Susan K; Debbie B; Ginny W; Carol R; Erika C; Marlene B; Audrey P;

Marcie F; June S; Marilyn A; Jo Ann P; Eve Shaw, Asst Dir. Aux Rel; Betty P; Ellen L; Pat C;

Crystal; Ruth W; Sue P; Carolyn K; Rita B; Betty M;

Melissa K; Kathryn L; Imelda G; Barbara C; Rosamond M;

Mary K; Marzette W; Marty J; Sharon B; Mary H;

Kay W; Nancy L; Emma Lucas, Manager Fam Res Ct; Marilyn A;

Dallas M; Stephanie B; Sarah B; Mary Anne Y;

Brian Perrone, Sr. VP for Development & Administration, Lucille Packard Foundation for Children's Health,
receiving PAA's donation of $75,000 and list of additional items...see below.

Debbie Burkholder, Director, Auxiliary Relation, and Brian Perrone
PAA's 2016 schedule & 2015 gifts given! 
Emma Lucas, Manager Family Resource Center speaking of planned projects.

Another meeting has come to an end. See you on March 2nd at the Celebration Luncheon for Association of Auxiliaries, and then at PAA's monthly meeting, March 15, 1 pm, @ the
LPCH Foundation, in PA.